Training/Coaching for employees/companies

Private organizations have the possibility to invest in their own strategic development and employees through training/coaching, by accessing non-reimbursable EU grants.

The following type of investments are supported within HCOP:

Investment type Financing instrument

Project submission period

Strategic development at organizational level and flexible forms of employment HCOP – SO 3.8 Increasing the number of employees who benefit of: tools, methods, standard practices of human resource management and improved working conditions in order to adapt their activites to the evolution of economic sectors with competitive potential identified under NCS (National Competitivness Strategy) / areas of smart specialization according to NRDIS (National Research, Development and Innovation Strategy). 07 December 2017 – 28 February 2018
Coaching/Training HCOP – SO 3.8 Increasing the number of employees who benefit of: tools, methods, standard practices of human resource management and improved working conditions in order to adapt their activites to the evolution of economic sectors with competitive potential identified under NCS / areas of smart specialization according to NRDIS. 07 December 2017 – 28 February 2018
HCOP – SO 3.12 Improving the employees’ level of knowledge / competencies / skills, in the areas identified under NCS and NRDIS. Estimated launch: February 2018
Outplacement HCOP – SO 3.9 Increasing the opportunities for reintegration of workers who are going to be fired, by providing outplacement measures. Estimated launch: March 2018


⇒ In the following sections we present information for each type of the above mentioned investments which can help you in drafting a project idea.

⇒ For detailed information regarding: eligibility of your project idea, eligible target group, calendar of the calls, preparing the financing application, project management, team training and more other opportunities please contact us or send the contact form.


 Strategic development at organizational level and flexible forms of employment


Financing opportunity: 1st possibility – HCOP – SO 3.8 Increasing the number of employees who benefit of: tools, methods, standard practices of human resource management and improved working conditions in order to adapt their activites to the evolution of economic sectors with competitive potential identified under NCS / areas of smart specialization according to NRDIS.

Eligible applicants:

  • Employers / trade unions / patronages etc. from economic sectors with competitive potential identified under NRC and from smart specialization fields according to NRDIS as well as those who intend to adjust their activities to these sectors / fields.

Target group:

  • Employees (employees from human resources departments, the ones that ensure the strategic management of the companies and workers who are going to be fired) / entrepreneurs from enterprises that operate in the economic sectors with competitive potential identified under NRC and from the areas of smart specialization according to NRDIS, as well as for those who intend to adjust their activities to these sectors / fields.

Eligibile activities / expenditures:

  • Improving the human resource management activity in companies (eg. practices for integrating/adapting new employees at the workplace, developing tools for adapting the work and the working environment to the needs of older workers, prospective planning mechanisms of employment and skills – forecasts regarding the retirement, staff fluctuation, job vacancies now and in future, changes in the programs and services of companies, necessary specializations, development of learning plans and career development with a focus on reducing or eliminating inconsistencies between the competencies, skills and knowledge of workers from the company and the needed competencies, skills and knowledge etc., including training programs for employees from HR departments, awareness campaigns for employers about the need of employees to participate to training programs etc;
  • Introduction of innovative models of company work organization, productive and “green”; practices to ensure health and safety at work, to improve professional and health status of employees, to ensure an equal treatment in the workplace, taking into consideration the needs of older workers;
  • Introduction of flexible forms of employment (eg. work at home, teleworking, etc.);
  • Long-term strategic planning in companies that anticipate changes.




Financing opportunity: 1st possibility – HCOP – SO 3.8 Increasing the number of employees who benefit of: tools, methods, standard practices of human resource management and improved working conditions in order to adapt their activites to the evolution of economic sectors with competitive potential identified under NCS / areas of smart specialization according to NRDIS.

Eligible applicants:

  • Employers / trade unions / patronages etc. from economic sectors with competitive potential identified under NRC and from smart specialization fields according to NRDIS as well as those who intend to adjust their activities to these sectors / fields.

Target group:

  • Employees (employees from human resources departments, the ones that ensure the strategic management of the companies and workers who are going to be fired) / entrepreneurs from enterprises that operate in the economic sectors with competitive potential identified under NRC and from the areas of smart specialization according to NRDIS, as well as for those who intend to adjust their activities to these sectors / fields.

Eligibile activities / expenditures:

  • Coaching / training for managers and entrepreneurs from companies to improve their entrepreneurial and managerial skills;

Financing opportunity: 2nd possibility – HCOP – SO 3.12 Improving the employees’ level of knowledge / competencies / skills, in the areas identified under NCS and NRDIS.

Eligible applicants:

  • Employers (with actual / future activity in the economic areas / sectors identified under NCS and NRDIS).

Target group:

  • Employees who aim at improving their level of knowledge, competencies and skills or who are willing to certify/validate their skills, especially in the economic sectors / areas identified under NCS and NRDIS;
  • Employers with actual / future activity in the economic areas / sectors identified under NCS and NRDIS.

Eligible activities/expenditures:

  • Employees participation to training programs (level 2-4 training courses according to National Qualifications Framework, short term courses, specialization and improvement courses, etc.) in accordance with requirements of jobs from the economic sectors with competitive potential identified in accordance with NCS and the areas of smart specialization according to NRDIS;
  • Evaluation / validation and certification of skills needed for the jobs from the economic sectors with competitive potential identified under NCS and from the smart specialization areas according to NRDIS;




Financing opportunity: 1st possibility – HCOP – SO 3.9 Increasing the opportunities for reintegration of workers who are going to be fired, by providing outplacement measures.

Eligibile applicants:

  • Employers / trade unions / patronages etc. from economic sectors with competitive potential identified under NRC and from smart specialization fields according to NRDIS as well as those who intend to adjust their activities to these sectors / fields.

Target group:

  • Employees who are going to be fired.

Eligibile activities/expenditure:

  • Workers outplacement that are going to be fired, performed with the support of consulting companies that provide: career guidance and evaluation services, CV draw up and interview simulations, development of networks and jobs searching skills including job placement.