Grants for private organizations
Private organizations that are working in health sector and who want to develop, can access grants through the following financing opportunities:
Investment type | Financing opportunity | Project submission period |
Financing opportunities within Regional Operational Programme (ROP) 2014-2020 | ROP – SO 1.1 Increasing enterprises innovation by supporting innovation and technology transfer entities in the areas of intelligence specialization | Estimated launch: February 2018 |
ROP – SO 2.1 Strengthening market position of SMEs in competitive areas identified in the National Strategy of Competitiveness and Regional Development Plans | Information not available (at the moment) | |
ROP – SO 2.2 Improve the economic competitiveness through increasing the work productivity in SMEs in the competitive sectors identified in CNS | Estimated launch: January 2018 | |
Financing opportunities within Competitiveness Operational Programme (COP) 2014-2020 | COP – Action 111 Large R&D infrastructure, Project Type – Investments for R&D departments of enterprises; |
27.06.2015, open session Continuous submission |
COP – Action 121 Stimulating the demand of the enterprises for innovation through RDI projects implemented by individual companies or in partnership with R&D institutes and universities, for innovation of processes and products in the economic sectors that have growth potential, Project Type – Innovative start-ups |
Session I: 27.06.2015- 11.08.2015 Next session: not announced at the moment |
State aid schemes | State aid scheme for stimulating the investments with major impact on the economy (GD 807/2014) – available until December 2020; |
Previous session: 01.01-25.06.2015 Next session: not announced at the moment |
State aid scheme to support investments that promote regional development by creating new work places (GD 332/2014) – available until December 2020; |
Previous session: 24.08-18.09.2015 Next session: not announced at the moment |
⇒ In the following sections we present information for each type of the above mentioned investments which can help you in drafting a project idea. ⇒ For detailed information regarding: eligibility of your project idea, calendar of the calls, preparing the financing application, project management and more other opportunities please contact us or send the contact form. |
Financing opportunities within ROP 2014-2020 |
Financing opportunity: 1st possibility – ROP – SO 1.1 Increasing innovation in companies by supporting innovation and technology transfer entities in the specific field of smart specialization;
Who can access the grant:
- Legal entities which provide technology transfer activities, focusing on NSC intelligence specialization fields, including health as priority area of public interest.
Project value and awarded grant:
Value of grant:
- Information not available at the moment;
Grant percentage;
Middle enterprise:
- 60% – N-W, Center, N-E, S-E, S-Muntenia, S-W;
- 45% – West and Ilfov;
- 25% – Bucharest until 31.12.2017;
- 20% – Bucharest for 2018-2020;
Small and micro enterprise:
- 70% – N-W, Center, N-E, S-E, S-Muntenia, S-W;
- 55% – West and Ilfov;
- 35% – Bucharest until 31.12.2017;
- 30% – Bucharest for 2018-2020;
Eligible activities/expenditures:
Investments in activities specific to the Innovation and Technology Transfer (ITT) entities, in order to achieve specific technological services for the firms that are beneficiary of technology transfer. Examples of activities:
- Technological investments studies;
- Assistance and specialized technical consultancy in the implementation / purchase of technologies;
- Technology evaluation and technical audit;
- Technological surveillance, technological information, assistance in restructuring / technology upgrading and dimensioning of companies;
- Development of innovative economic activities for retraining the workforce in the areas with a serious unemployment problem;
- Continuously keeping update with new national and international technology;
- Technological transfer and technological validation;
- Forecasting, technological evaluation;
- Technological audit;
- Statistical analysis and indicators of innovation efficiency;
- Development and maintenance of specialized databases etc.
Financing opportunity: 2nd possibility – ROP – SO 2.1 Strengthening the market position of SMEs in competitive areas identified in the National Strategy of Competitiveness and Regional Development Plans
Who can access the grant:
- Companies or cooperatives which fall into the category of micro enterprises focusing on NSC intelligence specialization fields, including health as priority area of public interest.
Project value and awarded grant:
- Eligible value of grant / project: from 25.000 up to 200.000 euro;
- Grant percentage: 100% of eligible costs;
Eligible activities/expenditures:
- Construction, modernization, expansion of your premises of production / services;
- Acquisition of tangible, intangible assets (expenditure with the acquisition of technological equipment, machineries, furniture, computer equipment, office equipment, such as fixed assets etc);
- Expenditure with the purchases of machinery / specific equipment with the purpose of obtaining energy savings, as well as systems that use renewable / alternative energy for increasing the efficiency of the financed activities, limited to 15% of the eligible value of the project;
Financing opportunity: 3rd possibility – ROP – SO 2.2 Improving economic competitiveness through increasing the work productivity in SMEs in competitive sectors identified in the CNS
Who can access the grant:
- Non-agricultural SMEs from rural areas;
- Middle non-agricultural enterprises from rural areas;
Both focusing on NSC intelligence specialization fields, including health as priority area of public interest.
Project value and awarded grant:
Value Of grant:
- Eligible minimum value: 200.000 euro;
- Maximum eligible value: 1 million euro;
Credit with grant
- Eligible minimum value: 1 mil euro;
- Maximum eligible value: 5 mil euro;
Financing percentage:
Middle enterprises:
- 60% – N-W, Center, N-E, S-E, S-Muntenia, S-W;
- 45% – Vest and Ilfov;
- 25% – Bucharest until 31.12.2017;
- 20% – Bucharest for 2018-2020;
Small and micro enterprises:
- 70% – N-V, Center, N-E, S-E, S-Muntenia, S-V;
- 55% – Vest and Ilfov;
- 35% – Bucharest until 31.12.2017;
- 30% – Bucharest for 2018-2020;
Eligible activities/expenditures:
- Construction activities, modernization or expansion of your premises of production / services;
- Activities for the provision of industrial equipment, machinery and or other specific equipment, innovation activities in accordance with the Oslo Manual – “Guidelines for collecting and interpreting innovation data” – OECD:
- Activities for the implementation and certification of ISO management quality systems, or reimbursing costs supported by a SME for the certification of quality management systems, environment and health, simple or integrated, in accordance with one of the standards : SR EN ISO 9001 : 2008 (quality management system) ; SR- EN- ISO 14001: 2005 (environmental management system) ; SR- EN- ISO 22000: 2005 (food safety management system) ; OHSAS 18001 : 2007 (management system for health and occupational safety), etc.
- Activities regarding the completion of the national / international certification of products, services or various specific processes;
- Website development activities for a better business presentation of the potential beneficiary and its products or services (including the domain registration activities) for SMEs that do not own an website, or for those who want to upgrade it. Purchase of machinery and equipment in order to achieve specific energy savings or systems that use renewable or alternative energy in order to increase the activities efficiency;
- E-commerce, both by promoting products and business through SMEs websites and by supporting innovative business solutions (introduction of ICT services into an existing business process, by purchasing electronic applications for electronic catalogs, public procurement, electronic procurement, electronic billing, customer service, electronic supply, electronic store, value-added service provider for e-commerce channels, electronic payments, etc.);
- Interventions aimed at supporting access to international markets, through internationalization measures which do not limit only to participation to fairs or trade missions, but are combined with actions related to business modeling, as knowledge of the markets of specific countries, adapting products / services for certain markets, etc.
Financing opportunities within COP 2014-2020 |
Financing opportunity: 1st possibility – COP – Action 111 Large R&D infrastructure, Project Type – Investments for R&D departments of enterprises
Who can access the grant:
- Entities formed under Law no. 31/1990, 15/1990, GEO 30/1997 focused on NSC intelligence specialization fields, including health as priority area of public interest.
Project value and awarded grant:
Value of grant:
- 4,5 mill lei and 90 mill lei;
Financing percentage:
Middle enterprises:
- 60% – N-W, Center, N-E, S-E, S-Muntenia, S-W;
- 45% – West and Ilfov;
- 25% – Bucharest until 31.12.2017;
- 20% – Bucharest for 2018-2020;
Small and micro enterprises:
- 70% – N-W, Center, N-E, S-E, S-Muntenia, S-W;
- 55% – West and Ilfov;
- 35% – Bucharest until 31.12.2017;
- 30% – Bucharest for 2018-2020;
Eligible activities/expenditures:
- Construction of new R&D departments (laboratories / R&D centers, etc.) and their endowing with equipment and research tools;
- Modernization, expansion, consolidation of existing R&D departments, change the initial destination of a construction in order to create a R&D department and its endowing with equipment and research tools;
- Acquisition of research equipment and tools.
Financing opportunity: 2nd possibility – COP – Action 121 Stimulating the demand of the enterprises for innovation through RDI projects, implemented by individual companies or in partnership with R&D institutes and universities, for innovation of processes and products in the economic sectors that have growth potential. Project Type – Innovative start-ups and spin-offs;
Who can access the grant:
- Start-ups;
- Spin-offs;
Both focused on NSC intelligence specialization fields, including health as priority area of public interest.
Project value and awarded grant:
- Value of grant: Maximum 840.000 lei and cannot exceed the equivalent in lei of 200.000 euro;
- Grant percentage: Maximum 90% of the total value of eligible costs of the project;
Eligible activities/expenditures:
- R&D activities (industrial research and / or experimental development) ;
- Purchase of services for research and development (industrial research and / or experimental development);
- The acquisition of consulting services for innovation: technological assistance; technological transfer; acquisition, protection and commercialization of industrial property rights; use of standards;
- The acquisition of support services for innovation: tests in specialized laboratories, quality labeling, testing and certification, market studies;
- Activities for introduction in production and create a product / process / technology / service;
- Activities for purchasing of raw materials needed for the project (for research and development activities and introduction in production and create a product / process / technology / service).
- Project information and publicity activities;
- Creation and registration of SPIN-offs.
Financing opportunity: 3rd possibility – COP – Action 121 Stimulating the demand of the enterprises for innovation through RDI projects, undertaken by individual companies or in partnership with R&D institutes and universities, for innovation of processes and products in the economic sectors that have growth potential. Project Type – Innovative new companies;
Who can access the grant:
- Innovative start-ups focused on NSC intelligence specialization fields, including health as priority area of public interest.
Project value and awarded grant:
Value of grant:
- Maximum, 4,5 mill lei for Bucharest-Ilfov;
- Maximum 6,75 mill lei for other regions.
Grant percentage:
- 100% of eligible costs in the period in which the beneficiary meets the requirements of newly established innovative enterprise.
Eligible activities/expenditures:
- Industrial research activities – performed directly by the applicant or by subcontracting a research service and will consist, for example, in: designing, development, experimentation of the model or new solutions for product/ method / system / technology / service, new or substantially improved;
- Experimental development activities – performed directly by the applicant or by subcontracting a research service and will consist, for example, in: acquiring, combining, shaping and using relevant existing scientific, technological, business and other knowledge and skills, in order to develop products, processes or services, new or improved;
- Innovation activity – directly developed by the applicant or by subcontracting an innovation service;
- Activities for transferring to production process the R&D results;
Financing opportunities through State aid scheme |
Financing opportunity: 1st possibility – State aid scheme for stimulating the investments with major impact on the economy (GD 807/2014 ) – available until December 2020;
Who can access the grant:
- Start-ups;
- Active enterprises;
- SMEs and large enterprises;
- Companies from all sectors except the ones included in the areas mentioned in Annex 1 of GD 807/2014;
All focusing on NSC intelligence specialization fields, including health as priority area of public interest.
Project value and awarded grant:
Minimum value of the project / investment:
- 10 mill euro;
Percentages and maximum value of the grant:
- Bucharest (2014 – 2017) – 15%, maximum 11,25 mill euro;
- Bucharest (2018 – 2020) -10%, maximum 7,5 mill euro;
- West and Ilfov – 35%, maximum 26,25 mill euro;
- Nord-West, Center, Nord-East, South-East, South-Muntenia, South-West Oltenia – 50%, maximum 37,5 mill euro.
Eligible activities/expenditures:
- Initial investments are financed – investment in tangible and intangible assets located in the same area, related to: the start of a new unit; extend the capacity of an existing production unit; production diversification of an unit through products which have not previously been made in that unit or a fundamental change in the overall production process of an existing unit;
- For Bucharest there are financed only initial investments for a new economic activity;
- Initial investment for new economic activities, represent an investment in tangible and intangible assets located in the same area, related to starting a new unit or diversify the activities of an existing unit while the new activity doesn’t have to be identical or similar to previous activities in the unit;
Financing opportunity: 2nd possibility – State aid scheme to support investments that promote regional development by creating new work places (GD 332/2014) – available until December 2020;
Who can access the grant:
- Start-ups;
- Active enterprises;
- SMEs and large enterprises;
- Companies from all sectors except those from the fields mentioned in Annex 1 of GD 332/2014.
All focusing on NSC intelligence specialization fields, including health as priority area of public interest.
Project value and awarded grant:
Eligible value:
- Is given by the total salary cost, limited by the average gross wage in the economy.
Percentage and maximum grant value:
- Bucharest (2014 – 2017) – 15%, maximum 11,25 mill euro;
- Bucharest (2018 – 2020) -10%, maximum 7,5 mill euro;
- West and Ilfov – 35%, maximum 26,25 mill euro;
- North-West, Center, North-East, South-East, South-Muntenia, South-West Oltenia – 50%, maximum 37,5 mill euro;
Eligible activities/expenditures:
Investments made by enterprises under the scheme must meet cumulatively the following eligibility criteria:
- To be considered initial investments, and initial investments in favor of new economic activities for large enterprises from Bucharest region;
- To lead to the creation of at least 10 workplaces for each location of the investment, out of which for at least three jobs disadvantaged workers have to be employed;
- To be viable and to determine the economic efficiency of enterprises, according to the business plan that will be submitted.
Initial investment – investment in tangible and intangible assets related to the creation of a new unit, extend the capacity of an existing one, diversify the production of an existing unit or perform a fundamental change in the overall production process.