Investments in R&D
SMEs have the possibility to access non-reimbursable EU grants to invest in R&D activities, through the following financing opportunities:
Investment type |
Financing instrument |
Project submission period |
Investments in R&D infrastructure |
COP – Action 111, Project type: Investments for R&D departments of companies; |
27.06.2015 – 18.08. 2015 new session: TBD |
COP – Action 121, Project type: Start-ups and spin-offs innovative companies; |
27.06.2015, open session; Continue submission |
COP – Action 121, Project type: New innovative companies |
27.06.2015 – 11.08.2015 sesiune noua: TBD |
Intelligent specialization |
ROP – SO 1.1 Increasing enterprises innovation by supporting innovation and technology transfer entities in the areas of intelligence specialization |
Estimated launch: February 2018 |
Investments in IT field |
COP – Action 221 Support for increasing the added value generated by ICT and the innovation by developing clusters |
02.11.2015 – 16.02. 2016 new session: TBD |
⇒ In the following sections we present information for each type of the above mentioned investments which can help you in drafting a project idea. ⇒ For detailed information regarding: eligibility of your project idea, calendar of the calls, preparing the financing application, project management and more other opportunities please contact us or send the contact form. |
Investments in R&D infrastructure |
Financing opportunity: 1st possibility – COP – Action 111, Project type: Investments for R&D departments of companies
Project value:
- The eligible value must be between 4.500.000 lei and 90.000.000 lei;
Non-reimbursable grant percentage (of eligible costs):
Region |
Middle enterprise |
Small and micro enterprise |
North-West, Center, North-East, South-East, South-Muntenia, South-West |
60% |
70% |
West and Ilfov |
45% |
55% |
Bucharest until 31.12.2017 |
25% |
35% |
Bucharest for 2018-2020 |
20% |
30% |
Eligible activities/expenditure:
- Construction of new R&D departments (laboratories/R&D centers etc.) and their endowing with equipment and research tools, for the extension of business or opening new research directions;
- Modernization, expansion, consolidation of existing R&D departments, change the initial destination of a construction in order to create a R&D department and its endowing with equipment and research tools;
- Acquisition of research equipment and tools.
Eligible expenditure list:
- Acquisition of land – for the construction of R&D departments – up to 10% of total eligible costs;
- Expenditure for works of construction / modernization / expansion / consolidation / modifying /change the destination of buildings – Up to max. 40% of total eligible project costs, or up to max. 50%, if a new R&D construction is found within the company and if the total value of the investment exceeds 20 million lei;
- Acquisition of tangible assets – IT and communication equipment and installations, independent equipment for research;
- Acquisition of intangible assets – IT applications and licenses – max. 10% of the total eligible expenditure of the initial investment;
- Acquisition of buildings and spaces – maximum 40% of the total eligible expenditure of the project. If there are also works of modernization / expansion / consolidation / change of destination for the buildings, then these expenditure together with the expenditure for purchasing the building are eligible in the same maximum limit of 40% of the total eligible expenditure of the project.
Financing opportunity: 2nd possibility – COP – Action 121, Project type: Start-ups and spin-offs innovative companies;
Project value:
- Maximum 840.000 lei – cannot exceed the equivalent in lei of 200.000 euro;
Non-reimbursable grant percentage (of eligible costs):
- Up to 90% of total eligible project costs;
Eligible activities/expenditure:
- research and development activities (industrial research and / or experimental development);
- acquisition of R&D services (industrial research and / or experimental development);
- acquisition of consulting services for innovation: technology assistance, technology transfer services, consultancy for acquisition, protection and commercialization of intellectual property rights and for licensing agreements, counseling on the use of standards;
- acquisition of innovation support services for: try and testing in specialized laboratories, labeling, testing and certification, market research;
- activities for introducing in production and product / process / technology / service development:
- acquisition of intangible assets (IT applications and licenses) necessary for the introduction of results into production;
- purchase of machinery and equipment necessary for the introduction of results into production, sized according to the real production volume;
- preparation of documentation necessary for introduction into production / commissioning / operation / implementation;
- preparation of production / commissioning / operation (experimentation, testing, experiment, analysis);
- a review of the technical documentation for the introduction into production / commissioning / operation / implementation;
- introduction into production / operation / application for product / process / technology / service (“zero” series execution of the product or of the pilot-installation / process / technology / service development, new and significantly improved for the customer, as a result of applying an innovative model / procedure / process / method); Mandatory activity for project eligibility.
- acquisition of raw materials and materials needed for the project development (for research and development activities and activities for the introduction into production and product / process / technology / service development);
- information and publicity activities for the project;
- founding and registration of SPIN-OFFs.
Financing opportunity: 3rd possibility – COP – Action 121, Project type: New innovative companies
Project value:
- Maximum 4.500.000 lei for Bucharest-Ilfov;
- Maximum 6.750.000 lei for the other regions;
Non-reimbursable grant percentage (of eligible costs):
- 100% of eligible costs in the period in which the beneficiary meets the requirements of newly founded innovative enterprise;
Eligible activities/expenditure:
- Industrial research activities – performed directly by the applicant or by subcontracting a research service and will consist, for example, in: designing, development, experimentation of the model or new solutions for product / method / system / technology / service, new or substantially improved;
- Experimental development activities – performed directly by the applicant or by subcontracting a research service and will consist, for example, in: acquiring, combining, shaping and using relevant existing scientific, technological, business and other knowledge and skills, in order to develop products, processes or services, new or improved;
- Innovation activity – directly developed by the applicant or by subcontracting an innovation service:
- acquisition, validation and protection of patents and other intangible assets;
- Employing staff with advanced skills (the staff is seconded from a research organization that conducts RDI activities, in a newly created work place within the beneficiary company, without replacing other employees. At the end of the employing contract, the seconded staff will have the right to return to its previous employer);
- procurement of consulting services for innovation: consulting services, technology transfer services, consultancy for acquisition, protection and commercialization of intangible assets, counseling on the use of standards;
- procurement of innovation support services for: rental of work spaces, access to databases and technical libraries, market research; try and testing in specialized laboratories, labeling, testing and certification;
- organizational innovation;
- process innovation;
- Activities for transferring to production process the R&D results:
- acquisition of machinery and equipment necessary for the introduction of results into production. 50% of eligible costs of the project can be allocated to these activities;
- acquisition of intangible assets necessary for the introduction of results into production, other than the initial ones, necessary for the eligibility of the application (licenses, patents). The eligible value of the acquisition of intangible assets necessary for the introduction of results into production can be max. 10% of the total eligible expenditure of D section (expenditure for the introduction of results into production);
- development (and marketing) of a product (good or service) or process, of which the following activities can be part of (examples):
- preparation of documentation necessary for introduction into production / commissioning / operation / implementation;
- preparation of production / commissioning / operation (experimentation, testing, experiment, analysis);
- a review of the technical documentation for the introduction into production / commissioning / operation / implementation;
- introduction into production / operation / application (“zero” series execution of the product or of the pilot-installation);
- widespread exploitation of the research result / of the object of the invention; (development of new services / significantly improved for the clients, as a result of applying the model / process / innovative method);
- marketing of results by the right-holder who is also the producer.
Intelligent specialization |
Financing opportunity: ROP – SO 1.1 Increasing enterprises innovation by supporting innovation and technology transfer entities in the areas of intelligence specialization
Project value:
- Information not available at the moment;
Non-reimbursable grant percentage (of eligible costs):
Region | Middle enterprise | Micro and small enterprise |
North-West, Center, North-East, South-East, South-Muntenia, South-West | 60% | 70% |
West and Ilfov | 45% | 55% |
Bucharest until 31.12.2017 | 25% | 35% |
Bucharest for 2018-2020 | 20% | 30% |
Eligible activities/expenditure:
Investments in activities specific to the Innovation and Technology Transfer (ITT) entities, in order to achieve specific technological services for the firms that are beneficiary of technology transfer.
Examples of activities:
- Technological investments studies;
- Assistance and specialized technical consultancy in the implementation / purchase of technologies;
- Technology evaluation and technical audit;
- Technological surveillance, technological information, assistance in restructuring/ technology upgrading and sizing of companies;
- Development of innovative economic activities for reconversion of workforce in the areas with a serious unemployment problem;
- Continuously keeping update with new national and international technology;
- Technological transfer and technological validation;
- Forecasting, technological evaluation;
- Technological audit;
- Statistical analysis and indicators of innovation efficiency;
- Development and maintenance of specialized databases etc.
Investments in IT |
Financing opportunity: COP – Action 221 Support for increasing the added value generated by ICT and the innovation by developing clusters
Project value:
- Up to 720.000 euro;
- Up to 200.000 euro – for the minimis aid scheme;
Non-reimbursable grant percentage (of eligible costs):
- Up to 80%, variable depending on the size of the beneficiary company, and the type of activities needed for product / service development, which are part of the project;
- 100% – for the minims aid scheme;
Eligible activities/expenditure:
- Development of an ICT range of products / services with applications in the rest of Romanian economy, to vertically integrate the ICT solutions;
- Development of innovative strategic projects with impact on the entire ICT industry at national and international level;
- Investments in tangible and intangible assets;
- Investments in industrial research and experimental development;
- Innovation activities;
The next categories of activities are eligible for financing within the minimis scheme:
- Expenditure with market research;
- Information and publicity, including project result promoting activities (product, application or service created by the project);
- Consultancy services / authorizations;
- Training / specific training;
- Intermediate / final audit of the project;
- Intern project management;
- Subscriptions and contributions necessary for project implementation.
The grant is awarded to applicants who conduct activities in the following areas:
Compulsory CANE code |
Activity name: |
C2611 |
Manufacture of electronic components |
C2612 |
Manufacture of other electronic components |
C2630 |
Manufacture of communication equipment |
J6201 |
Computer programming activities (client orientated software) |
J6202 |
Computer consultancy activities |
J6203 |
Computer facilities management activities (management and exploitation) |
J6209 |
Other information technology and computer service activities |
M7211 |
Research and development on biotechnology |
M7219 |
Other research and development on natural sciences and engineering |