Investments in youngsters
Private organizations have the possibility to invest in youngsters by accessing non-reimbursable EU grants, preparing own competent and efficient human resources.
The following type of investments in youngsters are supported within HCOP:
Investment type | Financing instrument | Project submission period |
Employment | HCOP – SO 1.1 Increasing the employment rate for NEETs (unemployed youth not in education or training) aged between 16-24 years, registered at the Public Employment Service and residing in the eligible regions (Center, South-East and South-Muntenia). | Estimated launch: February 2018 |
HCOP – SO 2.1 Increasing the employment rate for NEETs (unemployed youth not in education or training) aged between 16-24 years, registered at the Public Employment Service and residing in the eligible regions (Bucharest-Ilfov, North-East, North-West, West, South-West Oltenia). | Estimated launch: February 2018 | |
Training | HCOP – SO 1.2 Improving skills level, including through evaluation and certification of the acquired skills in non-formal and informal system of NEETs (unemployed youth not in education or training) aged between 16-24 years, registered at the Public Employment Service, residing in the eligible regions (Center, South-East and South-Muntenia). | Estimated launch: February 2018 |
HCOP – SO 2.2 Improving skills level, including through evaluation and certification of the acquired skills in non-formal and informal system of NEETs (unemployed youth not in education or training) aged between 16-24 years, registered at the Public Employment Service, residing in the eligible regions (Bucharest-Ilfov, North-East, North-West, West, and South-West Oltenia). | Estimated launch: February 2018 |
⇒ In the following sections we present information for each type of the above mentioned investments which can help you in drafting a project idea. ⇒ For detailed information regarding: eligibility of your project idea, eligible target group, calendar of the calls, preparing the financing application, project management, team training and more other opportunities please contact us or send the contact form. |
Employment |
Financing opportunity: 1st possibility – HCOP – SO 1.1 Increasing the employment rate for NEETs (unemployed youth not in education or training) aged between 16-24 years, registered at the Public Employment Service and residing in the eligible regions (Center, South-East and South-Muntenia).
Eligible applicants:
- Employers / relevant entities (training providers; employment service providers, competencies evaluation and certification providers; trade unions; patronages; NGOs; youth organizations, etc.) in partnership with employers;
- Organizations managing global grant schemes in entrepreneurship field;
- PES (including the units with legal personality subordinated to it) in partnership with relevant entities (employers, training providers; employment service providers, competencies evaluation and certification providers; trade unions; patronages; NGOs; youth organizations, etc);
Target group:
- Unemployed NEETs aged between 16-24 years, registered at the Public Employment Service and residing in the eligible regions (Center, South-East and South-Muntenia), with focus on young NEETs from rural area and Roma minority.
Eligible activities / expenditure:
- Provide active employment measures consisting in personalized information services, counseling and guidance, support in finding a work place / job placement, etc., depending on the basic skills of each person;
- Participating to apprenticeship programs (for youngsters who did not graduate the minimum compulsory education) and internships (for those who have attained tertiary education) by providing financial support to employers (including training for mentors and apprentices coordinators);
- Employers stimulation (eg. by providing financial incentives) to create work places for unemployed young NEETs;
- Support in finding a work place/job placement etc;
- Provide financial support for start-ups founded by young NEETs;
- Counselling and training for young NEETs in entrepreneurship field in order to develop enterprises; tutoring/mentoring programs for business growth and consolidation;
- Adequate support for youngsters who find a job in another area/region in order to adapt to their new environment, including financial support (eg. mobility and/or installation bonus);
Financing opportunity: 2nd possibility – HCOP – SO 2.1 Increasing the employment rate for NEETs (unemployed youth not in education or training) aged between 16-24 years, registered at the Public Employment Service and residing in the eligible regions (Bucharest- Ilfov, North-East, West, South-West Oltenia)
Eligible applicants:
- Employers / relevant entities (training providers; employment service providers, competencies evaluation and certification providers; trade unions; patronages; NGOs; youth organizations, etc.) in partnership with employers.
- Organizations managing global grant schemes in entrepreneurship field;
- PES (including the units with legal personality subordinated to it) in partnership with relevant entities (employers, training providers; employment service providers, competencies evaluation and certification providers; trade unions; patronages; NGOs; youth organizations, etc.);
Target group:
- Unemployed NEETs aged between 16-24 years, registered at the Public Employment Service and residing in the eligible regions (Bucharest-Ilfov, North-East, North-West, West, South-West Oltenia), with focus on young NEETs from rural area and Roma minority.
Eligible activities / expenditure:
- Provide active employment measures consisting in personalized information services, counseling and guidance, support in finding a work place / job placement, etc., depending on the basic skills of each person;
- Participating to apprenticeship programs (for youngsters who did not graduate the minimum compulsory education) and internships (for those who have attained tertiary education) by providing financial support to employers (including training for mentors and apprentices coordinators);
- Employers stimulation (eg. by providing financial incentives) to create work places for unemployed young NEETs;
- Support in finding a work place/job placement etc;
- Provide financial support for start-ups founded by young NEETs;
- Counselling and training for young NEETs in entrepreneurship field in order to develop enterprises; tutoring/mentoring programs for business growth and consolidation;
- Adequate support for youngsters who find a job in another area/region in order to adapt to their new environment, including financial support (eg. mobility and/or installation bonus);
Training |
Financing opportunity: 1st possibility – HCOP – SO 1.2 Improving skills level, including through evaluation and certification of the acquired skills in non-formal and informal system of NEETs (unemployed youth not in education or training) aged between 16-24 years, residing in the eligible regions (Center, South-East and South Muntenia).
Eligible applicants:
- Employers / relevant entities (training providers; employment service providers, competencies evaluation and certification providers; trade unions; patronages; NGOs; youth organizations, etc.) in partnership with employers.
- Organizations managing global grant schemes in entrepreneurship field;
- PES (including the units with legal personality subordinated to it) in partnership with relevant entities (employers, training providers; employment service providers, competencies evaluation and certification providers; trade unions; patronages; NGOs; youth organizations, etc.);
Target group:
- Unemployed NEETs aged between 16-24 years, registered at the Public Employment Service and residing in the eligible regions (Center, South-East and South-Muntenia), with focus on young NEETs from rural area and Roma minority.
Eligible activities / expenditure:
- Participation to specific training programs based on the needs of the target group;
- Evaluation and certification of competences acquired through informal and non–formal context.
Financing opportunity: 2nd possibility – HCOP – SO 2.2 Improving skills level, including through evaluation and certification of the acquired skills in non-formal and informal system of NEETs (unemployed youth not in education or training) aged between 16-24 years, residing in the eligible regions (Bucharest – Ilfov, Norths-Est, North – West, South – West Oltenia)
Eligible applicants:
- Employers / relevant entities (training providers; employment service providers, competencies evaluation and certification providers; trade unions; patronages; NGOs; youth organizations, etc.) in partnership with employers;
- Organizations managing global grant schemes in entrepreneurship field;
- PES (including the units with legal personality subordinated to it) in partnership with relevant entities (employers, training providers; employment service providers, competencies evaluation and certification providers; trade unions; patronages; NGOs; youth organizations, etc.);
Target group:
- Unemployed NEETs aged between 16-24 years, registered at the Public Employment Service and residing in the eligible regions (Bucharest-Ilfov, North-East, North-West, West, South-West Oltenia), with focus on young NEETs from rural area and Roma minority.
Eligible activities / expenditure:
- Participation to specific training programs based on the needs of the target group;
- Evaluation and certification of competences acquired through informal and non–formal context.