Investments in farms for animals
Investments in farms for animals can be performed through the following non-reimbursable financing instruments:
Investment type | Financing instrument | Project submission deadline |
Setting up and / or develop a farm for animals | NRDP – sM 4.1 Investments in agricultural farms |
03.05.2017 – 31.07.2017 |
Processing / selling your products | NRDP – sM 4.2 Support for investments in processing/marketing of agricultural products |
20.05.2016 – 15.12.2016 sesiune noua: TBD |
NRDP – GBER state aid scheme: “Regional development stimulation through investments for processing and marketing of agricultural products to obtain non-agricultural products” | 03.05.2017 – 31.10.2017 |
⇒ In the following sections we present information for each type of the above mentioned investments which can help you in drafting a project idea. |
Setting up and/or develop a farm for animals |
Financing instrument: NRDP – sM 4.1 Investments in agricultural farms
Who can apply:
- Farmers;
- Agriculture research and development institutes;
- Cooperatives;
- Groups of producers.
Project value:
- Between 100.000 euro – 2.000.000 euro;
- non-reimbursable financing reaching up to maximum 90% of the project eligible budget.
Eligible activities / expenditures:
- Investments in livestock farms, such as: cattle, pigs, poultry’s, sheep / goats. These investments can be aimed at: Setting-up or extension / modernization of animals stables, acquisition of water or feed installation, milking machines, lawn equipment, manure removal equipment, air-conditioning, ventilation, forage production facility, farm connection to utilities: sewerage, water, electricity, access ways on farm, concrete platforms, fence farms, investments in manure storage platforms and purine basin collection;
- Construction, expansion, modernization and equipping of farm buildings for productive activity, including access to the farm, farm irrigation and farm connection to utilities;
- Purchase, including by leasing, of new equipment / machinery, compact transport vehicles, refrigerating transportation vehicles, including specialized trailers and semitrailers: tanks, isotherm, animals/birds/bees transportation vehicles;
- Investments in processing of agricultural products (only for modernization investments). Over 50% of their production must be processed on the food chain (in their holding or by IOAP members (Inter professional Organization for Agricultural Products));
- Investments in reduction of greenhouse gas emissions: feed production facility, drying equipment (cereals, aromatic plants, etc), animals farm equipment (manure evacuation, feed installations, etc), rehabilitation and branching utilities in farm, etc, (the reduction of water and electricity consumption and thus GHG (greenhouse gas emissions));
- Investments in production and use of energy from renewable sources: solar, wind, heat pumps ( the reduction of using of conventional sources energy and GHG (greenhouse gas emissions));
- Endowment of selling spaces and other marketing expenditure, in an integrated food chain;
- Marketing expenditure: setting up a website for promoting farms own products, labeling (creating the concept);
- Investments for compliance with Community standards in the case of young farmers and investments to comply with the new standards for modernizing the farms;
- Investments in purchase or development of computer software and purchase of patents, licenses, copyright and trademarks.
Processing / selling your products |
Financing instrument: 1st possibility – NRDP – sM 4.2 Support for investments in processing / marketing of agricultural products
Who can apply:
- Enterprises (micro, small and medium enterprises under Law no. 346/2004, as well as large companies);
- Cooperatives and groups of producers;
Project value:
- Up to 2.500.000 euro;
- non-reimbursable financial allocation reaching up to maximum 70% of the project eligible budget.
Eligible activities / expenditures:
- Construction, extension and/or modernization and endowment of processing units, including investments in products’ marketing (e.g. labeling, packaging);
- Constructions for environmental protection (associated with investments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), renewable energy, energy efficiency), internal infrastructure and utilities necessary for the projects;
- Setting-up, extension and/or modernization of local networks of collection, reception, storage, conditioning, selection and packaging capacity;
- Constructions for the collection of raw materials: milk collection, reception, cooling centers; eggs reception, sorting, packaging centers; vegetables collection, reception, sorting, packing centers; grain collection, drying , sizing, cleaning and oil seed stations;
- Construction for for a single part or for the entire technological flow (collection – storage (raw material / products) – sorting – conditioning – processing – marketing);
- Improvement of internal quality control and compliance with the new standards imposed by the European legislation for processing and marketing of agri-food products;
- Production and use energy through renewable energy sources (solar, wind, geothermal), energy produced by heat pumps in the processing unit, exclusively for farm own needs;
- Special transport vehicles for the technological flow: truck tanks, isotherm trucks, trailers and food trailers;
- Expenditure related to products marketing, for: creating a website for promoting and marketing farms own products; labeling (creating the concept), creation of a trademark / brand – for this activity the non-reimbursable financing can reach up to 5% of the eligible project value, but no more than 30.000 euro;
- Organization and implementation of quality management and food safety systems, if they are related to the tangible investments of the project;
- Purchase of technologies (know-how), patents and licenses for preparation of project implementation;
- Purchase of computer software, identified as necessary in the technical-economic documentation of the project;
- General costs of the project are eligible (consulting, design, approvals, a.s.o) up to 5% for investments involving simple purchase and up to 10% for construction-assembly investments.
Financing instrument: 2nd possibility – NRDP – GBER state aid scheme: “Regional development stimulation through investments for processing and marketing of agricultural products to obtain non-agricultural products”
Who can apply:
- Micro enterprises;
- Small and medium enterprises;
- Other enterprises;
Project value:
- Up to maximum 2.500.000 euro; Non-reimbursable funding can reach:
- 55% for West Region (Timis, Arad, Caras-Severin, Hunedoara) and Ilfov county;
- 35% for Bucharest;
- 70% for other regions (all other countries);
Eligible activities / expenditures:
1. Manufacture of dairy products: CANE Class 105 (Classification of Activities from National Economy):
- Manufacture of ice cream and other edible ice, with or without cocoa – CANE 1052;
2. Manufacture of other food products : CANE Class 108 (Classification of Activities from National Economy):
- Manufacture of homogenized food preparations and dietetic food – CANE 1086:
- Manufacture of food for particular nutritional uses (Council Directive JO L 186, 30.06.1989):
- powder milk for infants;
- milk and other food for children, food for infants;
- food with a low level of calories in order to control the body weight;
- dietary food for special medical purposes;
- low sodium food, including low sodium or sodium free dietary salts; gluten free food; food intended to meet the expenditure of intense muscular effort, especially for sportsmen;
- food for persons suffering from carbohydrate metabolism disorders (diabetes);
- Manufacture of other food products n.e.c (CANE 1089):
- manufacture of egg products, egg albumin, etc;
- manufacture of yeast;
- manufacture of non-dairy milk and cheese substitutes;