Seminar dedicated to HR directors – european funds for training and coaching

June 22nd, 2017

We invite you to the event organized by CCIFER in partnership with NRCC, which will take place on 4th July 2017, 9:30 – 11:00, at CCIFER headquarter (Calea Floreasca, no. 240, 3rd floor, Bucharest).

The event is dedicated to discussions based on the POCU financing lines announced recently: “Professional Romania – Competitive Human Resources” and “Professional Romania – Competitive Enterprises” and will be moderated by: Vladimir Rovintescu – General Director (General Directorate of Human Capital European Programs) and Irina Zugravu (Managing Partner VAPRO Romania).

We will discuss about these calls for proposals and the participants will receive answers directly from the authorities involved in the management of these programs and also practical advice on the application, eligibility, budget and implementation.

At the end of the event are also provided 15 minutes B2B meetings between participants and the consultants from Vapro Romania.

For more information on the two funding lines, please visit:

The access to the meeting will be made only on the basis of subscription and confirmation.

For further details about the conference participation conditions, event agenda and for subscription, please access the link.


February 16th, 2017

We invite you to join the conference “PRECISION AGRICULTURE – TECHNOLOGIES AND INNOVATION”, as partner of this event.

The event is organised by TMT PR, in partnership with USAMV BUCHAREST and USAMV CLUJ, on 28 February 2017, at PULLMAN Hotel, Bucharest, and is conducted with the media support of Agro TV, Ferma Magazine, and Fermierului Magazine.

During the event will try to answer the question: WERE FALLS THE INVESTMENT IN PRECISION AGRICULTURE IN THE CONTEXT OF MODERN AGRICULTURE? and also to offer FREE CONSULTANCY in accessing available funds for the acquisition of precise equipment within the PNDR 2014-2020 financing program.

Representatives of Research and Educational Institutions will define terms and will indicate the direction of Romania regarding the Precision Agriculture, and the representatives of Government and Financing Agencies will identify the measures and the national strategy for the development of Precision Agriculture in the farms from our country.

We offer 10 invitations for 10 farmers interested to participate at the event. The confirmation of available seats will be made via e-mail, in the chronological order in which they were received at the address:

More information about the event you can find here.
For any additional information about the event:

Conference „Creativity in Business” – 12 October 2016

August 30th, 2016

PR – Concord Communications, in partnership with the Romanian Entrepreneurship Association will organize on 12 October 2016, between 9:00 – 16:00, at Ramada Plaza Hotel Bucharest, the second edition of the Conference “Creativity in Business”.

At the event will participate, as a speaker, also our colleague Irina Zugravu – Senior Consultant & Managing Partner VAPRO Romania.

Under the Conference, entrepreneurs and top employers, founders of innovative businesses and entrepreneurship and communication consultants will present success stories and will provide answers to key questions:

  • How creative we should be to differentiate ourselves in business, on a market increasingly competitive?
  • How to have more creative employees to assist at the business development?
  • Which are the new trends and strategies for successful entrepreneurs in 2016?
  • What new ideas for financing business exists?
  • There is room to invent something?
  • How can we open new business or how we can develop the existing ones?

The event will end with a Master Class course which will familiarize the participants with the advantages of learning new creativity and innovation techniques.

The participants who sign up for the conference until September 30, 2016 will receive for free, from BMI Publishing, the book “Understanding Michael Porter: The Essential Guide to Competition and Strategy” written by Joan Magretta.

The event addresses to:

  • Managers;
  • Employees;
  • Current and future entrepreneurs;

For further details about the conference agenda, confirmed speakers and subscription, please access the link:

Seminar in Cluj-Napoca: EU funds and Public Tenders

June 8th, 2016

VAPRO Romania, NRCC and Stratulat Albulescu Attorneys at Law organizes an interactive event that will give you recent updates and best practices regarding two important opportunities for growing your business: EU Grants & Public Tenders.
16th of June 2016 (16:30 – 19:00)
Beyfin hotel, Cluj-Napoca
Owners of companies, managers, CEO’s interested in non-reimbursable funds, or who participate/would like to participate in public procurement projects.

EU funds – the main topics:
The main conditions a company should fulfil in order to access funds; which are the eligible conditions and benefits of accessing EU grants; which are the type of investments/costs that are financed through EU grants, how the process of developing and implementing such a project look like.
Public tenders – the main topics:
What implications have the new public procurement law in Romania; how your business can take benefit from the new legislative framework; which are the benefits of the new legislative framework for small and medium size companies; what is the impact of the new public procurements legislation on project development process.

Irina Zugravu – Managing Partner VAPRO Romania
Alina Alecu – Senior Consultant VAPRO Romania
Georgiana Sirbu – Managing Associate and Head of Spanish Desk Stratulat Albulescu
Registrations can be made at no later than 14th June 2016.
More information regarding the event agenda, speakers and participation fee here.

”Fresh start” – Meeting between MA POCU and specialists from the private sector

June 7th, 2016

Thursday, 26 May 2016 we participated, together with the representatives of POCU Management Authority, to a roundtable debate about the key interest areas of the program. The debate was organized by Structural Consulting Group and the Romanian-Dutch Chamber of Commerce.

From MA POCU attended, among others, the General Director – Mr. Vladimir Rovintescu, the OIR Bucharest –Ilfov Director – Mr. Dragos Iorga, while the private sector has been represented by organizatios of the following interest areas: education, training, employers, NGOs, consultants, former projects beneficiaries etc.

The participants discussed and proposed solutions for improving several specific sections of the Applicant’s Guideline – General Conditions such as: beneficiary’s operational capacity, subcontracting of services, financing contract etc. Also they proposed amendments for the provisions of the Specific Guidelines related to employment of youngsters and entrepreneurship but also for the MySMIS system.

The representatives of the Ministry have acknowledged the participants recommendations and promised to return with more information and updated guidelines. Not at least, they announced that the call launches calendar will be updated and that the evaluation process of the grant applications will be more objective.

POCU workshop (AHK Romania – Vapro Romania)

May 11th, 2016

VAPRO Romania, in partnership with AHK Romania, organizes a workshop to discuss the European funds available for human resources development, within Human Capital Operational Programme 2014-2020 (POCU).

The event will take place on 16th of May 2016 between 9:30 – 12:30 at AHK Romania Headquarter from Clucerului Street, No. 35, Bucharest.

The subjects that will be discussed:

  • News about future POCU calls for project proposals;
  • Financing possibilities within POCU;
  • Types of eligible expenditures within human resources projects;

If you want to develop together with our consultants a project draft that will focus on the main aspects of your company development scenario, register as soon as possible at because the number of participants is limited (12 people)!

For detailed information regarding the event please contact us at the e-mail address mentioned above.

Workshop: How we finance our HR projects in 2016?

March 8th, 2016

Are you planning to invest in internal HR projects during the following year? Do you want to recruit new employees, to develop an internship program, or to train your actual employees?

If these subjects are of interest to you, then you will definitely be interested in the event organized by VAPRO, together with the Romanian-French Chamber of Commerce (CCIFER) that will take place on April 5th 2016, (between 9:00-11:00 at the CCIFER premises – Ethos House, Calea Floreasca, 240B, 3rd floor).

Senior consultants, with extensive experience in developing funded projects for organizations in Romania and other EU countries, will present to you the investment possibilities for this type of projects, financed through POCU 2014-2020. Both companies and NGOs can finance their internal HR projects and we will tell you exactly how you can do that.

We will talk about the main eligibility criteria, what types of activities can be financed or which are the eligible expenditure that can be included in such projects. In addition, based on the experience of over 20 years in the field of European funding of VAPRO International Group existence, we will present examples of good practices and solutions that we have provided both to develop and successfully implement projects in human resources area, for over 150 beneficiaries.

The target audience of the event: human resource managers, CFOs, managers and human resources specialists, NGOs directors, CSR project coordinators, general managers, members of the board of companies.

For registration, structure and detailed agenda, please access the page of the event here.

HR get together seminar

March 3rd, 2016

VAPRO Romania, in partnership with AHK – Romanian-German Commerce Chamber, organizes on Wednesday, 23rd of March 2016, at Grand Hotel JW Marriot Bucharest, a seminar for the HR representatives of companies to discuss actual themes like the labour legislation updates, EU funds for developing human capital or training of staff.

For detailed information regarding the starting hour of the event, the participation fee and the agenda please access here the AHK webpage.


Agriculture and rural development conference – 9 October 2015

September 30th, 2015

Vapro Romania in partnership with EurActiv organizes a conference about the Financing opportunities for agriculture and rural development – PNDR 2014-2020, that will take place on 9th of October 2015.

The event format will be based on a conference concept developed by EurActiv Romania in previous successful initiatives, being aimed at facilitating direct dialogue and relevant debates between public bodies and representatives of the private sector, large investments and SMEs.

According to AFIR data, the total value of the projects submitted through the new PNDR 2014 – 2020, until 28th of September 2015 is about 265 million euros, while the current year’s deadline for the first sub-measures launched for the UE grants for agriculture and rural development is 30th of October.

According to this context, through this conference, we are planning to organize an event that aims to bring together public authorities responsible for managing and implementing PNDR Programme (such as the Ministry of Agriculture, the Managing Authority of the Programme and the Rural Credit Guarantee Fund), representatives of banks that support and grant potential beneficiaries, consultants, service providers of necessary equipment for PNDR Programme (agricultural equipment, cutting-edge technology, infrastructure) and beneficiaries (including presentation of successful projects and also new methods to overcome the obstacles).

Toghether with Euractiv and VAPRO the event is also developed by UniCredit Bank, Romanian Commercial Bank (BCR), VAPRO Romania, Schuman Associates and Netherlands-Romanian Chamber of Commerce.

If you find interest in our invitation, we kindly ask you to contact our colleague Florentina Nae at: e-mail:,  +40 732 156 117.

More information about the program and the location of the event will be communicated after you confirm your participation.

Conferinta agricultura si dezvoltare rurala – 9 Octombrie 2015

September 30th, 2015

VAPRO Romania impreuna cu EurActiv organizeaza, in data de 9 Octombrie 2015 in Bucuresti, conferinta cu tema: “Oportunitati de finantare pentru agricultura si dezvoltare rurala – PNDR 2014-2020”.

Conferinta continua seria evenimentelor de profil, deschisă anul acesta de Euractiv, fiind destintata facilitarii dialogului direct si dezbaterilor relevante intre organisme publice si reprezentanti ai sectorului privat, companii mari si IMM-uri.

Potrivit datelor oferite de AFIR, valoarea totală a proiectelor depuse prin noul PNDR 2014-2020, până la data de 28 septembrie 2015, este de aproximativ 265 milioane de euro, termenul limită de anul acesta pentru primele submăsuri lansate pentru obținerea de finanțări europene pentru agricultură și dezvoltarea rurală fiind 30 Octombrie 2015.

Astfel, ne dorim ca prin aceasta conferinta sa aducem la aceeasi masa autoritatile publice cu responsabilitati in gestionarea si implementarea PNDR (Ministerul Agriculturii, Autoritatea de Management a Programului, AFIR, Fondul de Garantare al Creditului Rural), reprezentanti ai bancilor care sustin si acorda finantare potentialilor beneficiari, consultanti, furnizori de servicii, lucrari si echipamente necesare unui proiect (utilaje agricole, tehnologie de ultima generatie, infrastructura etc.) si beneficiari (ocazie cu care se vor prezenta proiecte de succes dar si obstacole si modalitati de depasire a acestora).

Impreuna cu Euractiv si VAPRO, la organizarea conferintei mai participa UniCredit Bank, BCR, Camera de Comert Romano-Olandeza si Schuman Associates.

Cu speranta ca veti accepta invitatia noastra, va rugam sa o contactati pentru inscrieri pe colega noastra, Florentina Nae la urmatoarele coordonate:, +40 732 156 117.

Mai multe informatii privind programul si locatia evenimentului va vor fi comunicate dupa confirmarea participarii la eveniment.

Conferinta agricultura si dezvoltare rurala – 9 Octombrie 2015