Debate: “Asociati in afaceri. Expertii alaturi de dumneavoastra”

September 24th, 2015

VAPRO Romania participates in the debate on financing and investment topic: “Asociati in afaceri. Expertii alaturi de dumneavoastra” through Irina Zugravu (Senior Consultant and Managing Partner) who will answer your questions related to EU funds for SMEs.

The event will take place on Tuesday, September 29th, 2015, starting at 9:00 am at the NH Hotel in Timisoara, the participation is free, subject to places availability and preliminary confirmation.
You can register on the event website at the following address: .
All the presented information will be accompanied by case studies relevant for your business. Also, you can submit in advance your questions for the event’s speakers, by filling in the registration form mentioned above.

The conference proposes a debate on finance and investments topic, and besides VAPRO Romania, there will be present also representatives from the banking field who invites you to a fiscal, financial and juridical consultancy session offered by experts from the major consulting and law firms:

  • Irina Zugravu, Managing Partner, VAPRO Romania who will answer the questions related to EU funds available to SMEs: access conditions and financed investment types.
  • Ioana Maria Dumitru, Head of Commercial & SME Banking, Garanti Bank, will speak about the evolution of the SMEs market, the main difficulties faced by the companies and financing solutions dedicated to this category of companies.
  • Oana Stoenescu, Sales Manager, Garanti Leasing, will present the advantages of operational leasing and financial leasing according to the type of your business.
  • Mihnea Barbulescu, Director of Sales, Erste Asset Management, will discuss with you the cash management tools available for companies to optimize the capital flow.
  • Marcel Andrei Tolomey, Branch Manager, CEC Bank Timisoara, will present the solutions offered by the bank to support business investment projects.
  • Andreea Sonei, Tax Manager, Deloitte Romania, will bring into attention the major changes in corporate tax field, in force in 2015 and their impact on companies, also major changes expected from the new Tax Code.
  • Daniela Marin, Program Director SBS, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Romania, will present the financing program regarding the business consultancy, dedicated to SMEs.

The moderator of the event is Sorana Baciu, Acgenio Partner and Chairman of PWN Romania.
The event agenda can be accessed here: .

The main partners of the event are: Garanti Bank and Garanti Leasing. The other event partners are: Erste Asset Management, Deloitte Romania, CEC Bank, VAPRO Romania, Salcianu Attorneys at Law, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, BNI Romania and ACGENIO.

Dezbatere: “Asociati in afaceri. Expertii alaturi de dumneavoastra”

September 24th, 2015

VAPRO Romania participa la dezbaterea pe teme de finantare si investitii: “Asociati in afaceri. Expertii alaturi de dumneavoastra”, prin Irina Zugravu (Senior Consultant and Managing Partner) care va raspunde intrebarilor dumneavoastra legate de fondurile europene destinate IMM-urilor.

Evenimentul  va avea loc marti 29 septembrie 2015, incepand cu ora 9:00, la NH Hotel din Timisoara, iar participarea este gratuita, in limita locurilor disponibile si a confirmarii participarii.
Va puteti inscrie pe website-ul evenimentului la adresa:
Toate informatiile prezentate vor fi insotite de studii de caz relevante pentru afacerea dumneavoastra. De asemenea, aveti posibilitatea sa adresati in avans intrebarile dumneavoastra vorbitorilor la eveniment, completand formularul de inregistrare mai sus mentionat.

Conferinta va propune o dezbatere pe teme de finantare si investitii, iar alaturi de VAPRO Romania vor fi prezenti si reprezentanti din domeniul financiar-bancar care va invita la o sesiune de consultanta fiscala, financiara si juridica oferita de experti din randul unor importante firme de consultanta si avocatura:

  • Irina Zugravu, Managing Partner, VAPRO Romania va raspunde intrebarilor legate de fondurile europene disponibile pentru IMM-uri: conditii de accesare si tipuri de investitii finantate.
  • Ioana Maria Dumitru, Head of Commercial & SME Banking, Garanti Bank, va vorbi despre evolutia pietei IMM-urilor, principalele dificultati cu care se confrunta si solutiile de finantare dedicate acestei categorii de companii.
  • Oana Stoenescu, Director de Vanzari, Garanti Leasing, va prezenta avantajele leasingului financiar si ale leasingului operational in functie de tipul afacerii dumneavoastra.
  • Mihnea Barbulescu, Director de Vanzari, Erste Asset Management, va discuta cu dumneavoastra despre instrumentele de cash management aflate la dispozitia companiilor pentru optimizarea fluxurilor de capital.
  • Marcel Andrei Tolomey, Director Sucursala, CEC Bank Timisoara, va prezenta solutiile oferite de banca pentru sustinerea proiectelor investitionale ale mediului de afaceri.
  • Andreea Sonei, Tax Manager, Deloitte Romania, va aduce in atentie principalele modificari privind impozitul pe profit in vigoare in anul 2015 si impactul lor asupra activitatii companiilor, precum si principalele modificari preconizate ale Noului Cod Fiscal.
  • Daniela Marin, Director Program SBS, Banca Europeana pentru Reconstructie si Dezvoltare(BERD) Romania, va prezenta programul de finantare a consultantei in afaceri, dedicat IMM-urilor.

Moderatoarea evenimentului este Sorana Baciu, Partener Acgenio si Presedinte PWN Romania.
Agenda evenimentului poate fi accesata aici:

Partenerii principali ai evenimentului sunt: Garanti Bank si Garanti Leasing. Ceilalti parteneri ai evenimentului sunt: Erste Asset Management, Deloitte Romania, CEC Bank, VAPRO Romania, Salcianu Attorneys at Law, Banca Europeana pentru Reconstructie si Dezvoltare, BNI Romania si ACGENIO.

Seminar: for employers related to European funds for human resources development

September 22nd, 2015

VAPRO Romania in partnership with AHK Romania organize a seminar for employers related to EU funds for human resources development.

Begin: 12/10/2015 (9:30)
End: 12/10/2015 (11:30)
Location:  AHK Romania headquarter

Who should attend the seminar

Managers and human resource specialists, financial directors, persons responsible for management of companies, at general management level or those responsible for the strategic development of the companies.

Presented and discussed topics with the participants

  • Presentation of EU funds available through Human Capital Operational Programe until 2020 for private companies registered in Romania: 4.3 billion euro budget for the 2014-2020 period, of which at least 700 million for companies;
  • Financing opportunities for companies which organize training programs, internship or apprenticeship and create jobs for young graduates – subsidies granted to employers for such measures, with the possibility of applying for them by the end of 2015;
  • Grants available for other development directions in human resources area: training, internship, coaching, human resources development strategies, flexible forms of work organization and more;
  • Steps to be taken in order to access a grant within POCU and the main steps in implementing a project financed within POCU 2014-2020.
  • Language: Romanian and/ or English
  • Fee: 100 RON (plus VAT) for members and 150 RON (plus VAT) for non-members
  • Lecturer: Irina Zugravu, Managing Partner – VAPRO Romania
  • Join the seminar:
  • Contact and registration:
    Ms Anca Mihoci
    Tel. 021 223 15 35/ Fax 021 223 15 38
    e-mail: mihoci.anca (at)

Seminar: Fonduri europene pentru resurse umane destinate angajatorilor

September 22nd, 2015

VAPRO Romania organizeaza in parteneriat cu AHK Romania un seminar pe tema fondurilor europene pentru resurse umane destinate angajatorilor.

Incepe: 12.10.2015 (09:30)
Se termina12.10.2015 (11:30)
Locatiela sediul AHK Romania

Cui se adreseaza seminarul

Managerilor si specialistilor in resurse umane, directorilor financiari, persoane cu rol de conducere din companii la nivel de management general sau cei responsabili de dezvoltarea strategica a companiilor;

Subiecte prezentate si dezbatute cu participantii

  • Prezentarea fondurilor europene nerambursabile disponibile prin Programul Operational Capital Uman, pana in 2020, pentru companiile private inregistrate in Romania: 4.3 miliarde de euro buget pentru perioada 2014 – 2020, din care cel putin 700 milioane pentru companii;
  • Oportunitati de finantare pentru companiile care organizeaza programe de formare, stagiu sau ucenicie si care creeaza locuri de munca pentru tineri absolventi – subventii acordate angajatorilor pentru astfel de masuri, cu posibilitatea de a aplica pentru acestea pana la finalul anului 2015;
  • Finantari disponibile pentru alte directii de dezvoltare in domeniul resurselor umane: training, internship, coaching, strategii de dezvoltare a resurselor umane, forme flexibile de organizare a muncii si multe altele;
  • Pasi in accesarea unei finantari nerambursabile prin POCU si principalele etape privind implementarea unui proiect finantat din POCU 2014-2020.


International Conference “Financing Opportunities for private companies. Large investments”

May 21st, 2015

Participam alaturi de Euractiv la Conferința Internațională „Oportunități de finanțare pentru mediul privat. Marile investiții”
Companiile mari, deși reprezintă sub 1% din totalul organizațiilor private, au o pondere de aproximativ 40% din cifra de afaceri totală a firmelor din România și din UE. Extrem de importante, acestea asigură un procentaj important din locurile de muncă, în particular în sectoarele strategice, și acoperă cea mai mare parte a PIB-ului european. Ce finantari nerambursabile sunt disponibile pentru companiile mari in programul 2014- 2020? Care sunt principalele conditii de accesare? Ce proiecte de succes s-au implementat in ultimii ani? Iata cateva intrebari la care sunt invitati sa raspunda atat reprezentanti ai autoritatilor publice/autoritatilor de management cat si beneficiari, consultanti si reprezentanti ai mediul bancar.

Mai multe informatii despre eveniment aici. 

International Conference – Financing Opportunities for SME`s 2014-2020

March 6th, 2015 and The European Commission Representative in Romania are organizing the most important event of the year in the area of SME funding: The International Conference dedicated to funding programs for SME`s, available starting with 2015, an event which is supported by VAPRO and The  Netherlands Romanian Chamber of Commerce.

More information on the event can be found here 


April 15th, 2014

Dear clients and partners,

VAPRO and NRCC invites you to Orange Night 2014 which takes place on the 25th of April at Biavati Events Venue, 2B Serghei Rahmaninov St., Bucharest.

The Orange Night is the perfect occasion for you to spend quality time with your contacts, establish new connections and experience Dutch culture. An exquisite dinner with Dutch specialties will be prepared by Dutch Chef Paul Oppenkamp from Restaurant The ARTIST. A party with live music, a DJ and lots of surprises will follow afterwards!

Did you know that you automatically join the raffle with your entrance ticket? This means you can win a return flight to Rio de Janeiro for two persons, tickets to Amsterdam and many more great prizes! The invitation with more information is attached herewith.

You can choose a corporate table for 10 people (with company logo) for 3.500 RON and get your tickets for an early bird price by ordering before the 20th of April. Dinner&Party tickets  are now 320 RON (including dinner, wine arrangement, entertainment and party) and Party  tickets are 120 RON. (Prices after 20th of April: Dinner&Party 350 RON  and Party 135 RON).

This year it’s even easier to get your tickets. Get them online, with your credit card, through A company invoice will be issued immediately. If you prefer to pay by bank transfer please contact

Follow us on Facebook or Twitter for the latest news about the Orange Night.

We hope to see many of you at the Orange Night!


April 15th, 2014

Dear clients and partners,

VAPRO and NRCC invites you to Orange Night 2014 which takes place on the 25th of April at Biavati Events Venue, 2B Serghei Rahmaninov St., Bucharest.

The Orange Night is the perfect occasion for you to spend quality time with your contacts, establish new connections and experience Dutch culture. An exquisite dinner with Dutch specialties will be prepared by Dutch Chef Paul Oppenkamp from Restaurant The ARTIST. A party with live music, a DJ and lots of surprises will follow afterwards!

Did you know that you automatically join the raffle with your entrance ticket? This means you can win a return flight to Rio de Janeiro for two persons, tickets to Amsterdam and many more great prizes! The invitation with more information is attached herewith.

You can choose a corporate table for 10 people (with company logo) for 3.500 RON and get your tickets for an early bird price by ordering before the 20th of April. Dinner&Party tickets  are now 320 RON (including dinner, wine arrangement, entertainment and party) and Party  tickets are 120 RON. (Prices after 20th of April: Dinner&Party 350 RON  and Party 135 RON).

This year it’s even easier to get your tickets. Get them online, with your credit card, through A company invoice will be issued immediately. If you prefer to pay by bank transfer please contact

Follow us on Facebook or Twitter for the latest news about the Orange Night.

We hope to see many of you at the Orange Night!

Seminar Ultimele Noutati in Domeniul Fiscal si Fondurile UE 2014-2020

February 5th, 2014

VAPRO Romania impreuna cu TPA Horwath si Camera de Comert Romano-Olandeza au placerea sa va invite la un eveniment foarte interesant.

Ultimele Noutati in Domeniul Fiscal si Fondurile UE 2014-2020 este un seminar de informare care prezinta modificarile fiscale intrate in vigoare in 2014 si fondurile UE disponibile incepand cu acest an. Evenimentul este programat joi, 20 februarie 2014 incepand cu ora 08:30, la Van Gogh Café. Numarul de participanți este limitat la 35 de persoane iar confirmarile vor fi acceptate pe baza principiului primul venit, primul servit.

Mai multe informatii pot fi gasite aici: Latest Fiscal News & EU funds 2014-2020 sau pe pagina web a Camerei de Comert: .

Va rugam sa confirmati participarea cat mai curand posibil, dar nu mai tarziu de 18 februarie 2014, la .

Come meet the Dutch – Orange Night 30 April!

April 25th, 2013

Dear partners and friends,

On 30 April NRCC together with the Dutch Association, will organize a typical Orange Night, with an exquisite dinner and a great party at Biavati, Bucharest, Str. Sergei Rahmaninov No. 2B. We invite all who are interested in meeting, doing business or simply enjoying a wonderful evening with the Dutch community in Romania.

There are 2 kinds of tickets that you can purchase: “Party only” tickets for 160 Lei and Dinner and party tickets for 350 Lei

The tickets can be bought at:

  • Hotel Rembrandt (next door to Café Van Gogh)
    Str. Smardan no. 11; Tel: 021 313 93 15
  • MaastrichtSchoolof Management
    Str. Putul lui Zamfir no. 36, et. 3; Tel: 021 310 12 48
  • Dutch cheese stalls at all METRO Cash & Carry shops (Bucharest)
  • AmericanSchoolandBritishSchoolin Baneasa
    Ask Cristina Voicu at 0726 925 953

We thank everyone who has confirmed attendance at the Orange Night and remind those who have not yet, and are interested to attend this special event that today is the last day for buying Dinner tickets.

For corporate sales and invoices, please contact us at

Full details about the event, including the programme, can be found on the link below:


Come meet the Dutch – Orange Night 30 April!