Seminar: for employers related to European funds for human resources development
September 22, 2015
VAPRO Romania in partnership with AHK Romania organize a seminar for employers related to EU funds for human resources development.
Begin: 12/10/2015 (9:30)
End: 12/10/2015 (11:30)
Location: AHK Romania headquarter
Who should attend the seminar
Managers and human resource specialists, financial directors, persons responsible for management of companies, at general management level or those responsible for the strategic development of the companies.
Presented and discussed topics with the participants
- Presentation of EU funds available through Human Capital Operational Programe until 2020 for private companies registered in Romania: 4.3 billion euro budget for the 2014-2020 period, of which at least 700 million for companies;
- Financing opportunities for companies which organize training programs, internship or apprenticeship and create jobs for young graduates – subsidies granted to employers for such measures, with the possibility of applying for them by the end of 2015;
- Grants available for other development directions in human resources area: training, internship, coaching, human resources development strategies, flexible forms of work organization and more;
- Steps to be taken in order to access a grant within POCU and the main steps in implementing a project financed within POCU 2014-2020.
- Language: Romanian and/ or English
- Fee: 100 RON (plus VAT) for members and 150 RON (plus VAT) for non-members
- Lecturer: Irina Zugravu, Managing Partner – VAPRO Romania
- Join the seminar:
http://rumaenien.ahk.de/ro/evenimente/inscriere-la-seminar/ - Contact and registration:
Ms Anca Mihoci
Tel. 021 223 15 35/ Fax 021 223 15 38
e-mail: mihoci.anca (at) ahkrumaenien.ro