Open calls for internship projects
May 27, 2019
Calls are open for “Internships for high school students” (until 30th July 2019) and “Internships for students” (until 12th August 2019) projects.
Eligible activities:
High school student internship projects:
- Workplace learning programs (internships, technical laboratories, etc.).
- Workplace learning system development:
- creating an information system between private sector – network of educational units;
- partnerships between educational units – internship partners;
- Workplace learning system support activities:
- competitions and fairs for training firms;
- professional competitions;
- internship/traineeship programs;
- practice facilitating innovative activities;
- guidance, skills assessment, including ICT, innovative tools.
University student internship projects:
- University – employer partnership support;
- University – employer partnerships developement;
- University – labor market information networks developement;
- Internships;
- Other EU Member State internships;
- Simulated enterprise entrepreneurial skills training.
Eligible target group:
- High school student internship projects – minimum 140 persons.
- University student internship projects – minimum 200 persons.
Budget and non-reimbursable funding:
- High school student internship projects maximum 500.000 euro, with a 85-100% grant.
- University student internship projects – 1.000.000 euro with a 85-100% grant.
Who can apply:
For high school student internship projects:
- Employers;
- Chambers of commerce and industry;
- NGOs;
- Trade union organizations and employers’ organizations;
- Public and private providers of professional guidance and counseling;
- Ministry of Education and relevant structures/ agencies/ subordinated/ coordinated by it;
- Professional Associations;
- Institutions and organizations members of Regional Pacts and Local Partnerships for Employment and Social Inclusion;
- Institutions and organizations members of regional and local consortia and partnerships in the fields of employment, education and training;
- Institutions of secondary and post-secondary education (ISCED level 2,3,4).
For university student internship projects:
- Accredited public and private higher education institutions;
- Employers (companies);
- Professional Associations;
- Accredited public and private higher education institutions;
- Chambers of commerce and industry;
- Institutions and organizations members of Regional Pacts and Local Partnerships for Employment and Social Inclusion.
More informations here:
High school students – POCU 6.14
Students – POCU 6.13