Until October 9, projects for preschoolers can be submitted
August 27, 2019
Projects can be submitted on pre-school education services development financing line (POCU 6.2) until October 9, 2019.
Eligible activities:
1.Providing information and counseling services for parents /guardians /etc., parental education programs, accompanying measures.
2.Assisting unemployed parents /legal representatives for registration with the Public Employment Service (AJOFM/ALOFM) and inclusion in an active employment measures program (information and professional counseling, vocational training, work mediation, accompanying measures for young parents with occupancy degree C or D, etc.). Carers of young NEETs’ accompanying measures can be provided (in form of medical services, psychological counseling, social welfare services, other nursing services (nursing, afterschool, accompaniment)).
3.Providing qualified human resources for infants’ education (professional training of teaching staff in early childhood education public and private units, (courses such as pedagogic educator, specialized educator, etc.)).
4.Providing/developing and using new services and learning materials for children in early childhood education, especially for children belonging to Roma minority and children with disabilities.
The eligible value of a project is maximum:
- 900,000 euro, for less developed regions,
- 1,000,000 euro for Bucharest-Ilfov region.
Percentage of non-reimbursable funding:
- 100% for NGOs;
- 95% for private beneficiaries;
- 98%/85% for public institutions.
Eligible applicants:
- Accredited, public and private educational institutions (ISCED 0) from national school network;
- Providers of guidance, counseling, school mediation and alternative services, public and private;
- Social partners in pre-university education (eg. trade unions);
- Religious institutions and religious associations;
- Institutions /government agencies with attributions in social inclusion field;
- LPA with attributions in the field of pre-university education;
- NGOs.
Eligible target group:
- Infants – minimum 54 children aged 0-2 years;
- Parents/tutors/the person who takes care of children whose parents work abroad;
- Teacher at ECPC (Education and Care for Preschool Children).
Implementation period of a project is maximum 30 months.
For more details about financing conditions click here.