New funding line – A future for young NEETs
May 12, 2020
The Managing Authority for the Human Capital Operational Program launched in public consultation until May 18tth, 2020 the “Future for young NEETs” guideline.
“NEETs” category refers to young people aged between 16 and 29 Not in Education, Employment or Training.
NEETs classification by Public Employment Service includes the levels:
- Level A – “Easy to employ”;
- Level B – “Average difficulty to employ”;
- Level C – “Hard to employ”;
- Level D – “Very difficult to employ”.
What are the eligible activities?
- Information and promotion campaign in order to identify young NEETs ca be part of the target group;
- Organizing and carrying out professional training programs for young people with employability level B, C and D – it is mandatory to complete at least one ANC accredited course that is found in the National Training Plan for 2020. Other types of courses can be chosen (ANC accredited or not), justifying their need through an analysis of employers’ needs.
- Evaluation and certification of professional competencies obtained in non-formal and / or informal ways for young people with employability level B, C and D;
- Providing specialized services for employment stimulation (labor mediation) – for all NEETs categories;
- Supporting entrepreneurship – only for young people with employability level A, by:
- Support for setting up a business (consulting, support for developing the business plan, support in setting up the company, etc.)
- Grants (of maximum 25,000 euros/business plan) for setting up new businesses.
- Accompanying activities – only for young NEETs with employability level C and D.
Who are the eligible applicants?
- Authorized providers of trainings for adults;
- Accredited providers of specialized services for employment stimulation;
- NGOs;
- Authorized centers for evaluation and certification of professional skills obtained in other ways than formal;
- Trade unions and employers’ organizations;
- Youth organizations;
- Chambers of Commerce and Industry;
- The Public Employment Service (PES) including the units with legal personality under its subordination;
- Ministry of Youth and Sports and subordinate / coordinated institutions;
- Business associations.
Who can be in the target group?
- NEETs aged between 16 and 29, registered and profiled by the Public Employment Service, who have their domicile or residence in one of the eligible regions.
Implementation area:The projects can be implemented at least in one of the South-West Oltenia, South-East and South Muntenia regions.
Target group size:
- minimum 250 persons – for small projects;
- minimum 950 persons – for large projects.
Maximum eligible value:
- 1,000,000 euros – for small projects;
- 4,000,000 euros – for large projects.
Percentage of non-reimbursable financing:
- 100% for NGOs;
- 95% for private beneficiaries;
- 98% / 85% public institutions.
Project’s maximum implementation period is 24 months.
For more informations click here.