SOPHRD – 3 new financing opportunities for November 2014
October 22, 2014
Today, 22.10.2014, Ministry of European Funds – AM SOPHRD published the final guidelines for the following calls for project proposals (CPP):
- CPP 176 “Romania Start-up” under the Key Area of Intervention (KAI) 3.1 “Promoting the entrepreneurial culture” associated with de minimis aid scheme “Support for Entrepreneurs”
Eligible applicants: 1. Enterprises; 2. Continuous Vocational Training (CVT) Service providers; 3. Trade union and employers’ union organizations; 4. Members of Sectoral Committees and legal Sectoral Committees; 5. Local public administration authorities; 6. Professional associations; 7. ICC; 8. NGOs; 9. Ministry of Economy / agencies / organizations that are subordinated / coordinated
Target group: persons over 18 years old who want to start an independent activity
Project value: 500,000 – 2,000,000 euro, financing up to 98% of eligible expenditure
Allocation for CPP 176: 100 million euro
Project duration: 6-10 months
- CPP 175 “Simulation of companies for students”, financed from KAI 2.1 “Transition from school to active life” (national and multi-regional projects)
Eligible applicants and partners for multi-regional projects: 1. Secondary education institutions; 2. Employers; 3. Professional Associations; 4. ICC; 5. Trade union and employers ‘union organizations; 6. NGOs; 7. Structures / agencies / relevant bodies subordinated to MEN; 8. Institutions and organizations members of consortia and local and regional partnerships in the areas of employment, education and training; 9. Public and private providers of professional guidance and counseling
Sole applicant for the national project: MEN, in partnership with organizations from the categories above;
Target group: students in the national system of secondary education (high school and professional schools)
Project value: 500,000 – 2,000,000 euro for multiregional projects and 500,000 – 4,000,000 euro for the national project – Applicant Ministry of Education, funding up to 98% of eligible expenditure
Allocation for CPP 175: 52.000.000 euro
Project duration: 6- 10 months
- CPP 174 “Career development Education”, funded from KAI 1.3 “Human resources development in education and training”
Eligible Applicants: Ministry of Education (MEN), in partnership with: Agencies, subordinated and coordinated by MEN and other public bodies active in the training of teachers and trainers, quality assurance and accreditation; Education institutions (ISCED 0-6)
Target group: teachers and teaching staff (ISCED 0-6) and auxiliary teaching staff (ISCED 0-6)
Project Value: 5,000,001 euros – 50.000.000 euro funding to 79% of eligible expenditure
Allocation for CPP 174: 50.000.000 euro
Project duration: 6 – 12 months
More information about these calls and financing terms available here:http://www.fonduri-ue.ro/posdru/index.php .