SOP HRD (2007-2013) – 4 new calls for strategic projects
November 17, 2014
Ministry of European Funds – MASOPHRD launches four call for proposals within the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development (HRD) 2007-2013:
- call 181 “Preventing and correcting early school abandon” within KAI 2.2 call dedicated to preschool pupils, pupils at risk of abandoning school, parents and tutors of these pupils etc;
- call 182 “Continuous Vocational Training for employees” within KAI 2.3 call dedicated to enterprises/institutions active in the economic sectors included in the industrial policy directions, such as: tourism, wood and furniture, creative industries, IT&C and telecommunications, health and pharma, energy, automotive industry, food processing, textile and leather;
- call 183 “Active measures for occupation in former industrialized areas” within KAI 5.1; call dedicated to inactive people, people looking for a job, unemployed people or those who have abandoned school early;
- call 184 “Active measures for occupation in former industrialized rural areas” within KAI 5.2; call dedicated to people who are registered as citizens or residents in a rural area, belonging to the following categories: inactive people, people looking for a job, unemployed people, people working in subsistence agriculture;
The projects are strategic with a maximum eligible budget up to 2 million euros and maximum 10 months implementation period.
The deadline for project submission is within 30 days since the publication of the Guidelines in the Official Monitor. AMPOSDRU will inform the date of the publication in the Monitor and the closing date of the online system.
VAPRO can assist you in developing successful projects.
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