Regional conference “Increasing the absorption of structural funds”

July 10, 2012

VAPRO Romania has participated on Friday, July 6th, in the regional conference “Increasing the absorption of structural funds”, organized by MAEur, and also in the fair of opportunities organized within the same event, in Constanta.

The Minister of European Affairs, Mr Leonard Orban, fired a warning regarding irregularities identified in the management of operational programs in Romania, the biggest concern being for The Human Resources Development Operational Programme. This program is under evaluation by the European Commission and, due to serious irregularities identified, the risk of suspending it still remains.

Also, the absorption stage, in all operational programs in Romania, is very low, the rate hovering at around 10% of the approximately 19 billion allocated to Romania for the period 2007-2013. For more details on the event agenda and the presentations you can access the following link:

VAPRO Romania was present at the fair of opportunities organized simultaneously with the conference, providing topical information to potential beneficiaries of funds still available for Romania, from the operational programs but also other national and international funding sources.

We are available for information on financing lines available or planned for this year, the results of our clients are as a confirmation that together we can both access the European funds and also contribute to increasing the rate of absorption, through the successful implementation of your projects.

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