LAUNCH – 30 million euro financing for employees training
August 14, 2020
We announce you that 2 projects calls have been launched to finance employees’ training for digital skills development:
- The call that finances the employees’ training from large companies – deadline for submitting projects – November 15th;
- The call that finances the employees’ training from SMEs – deadline for submitting projects – October 30th;
Below, we present more information about each of the 2 calls:
Financing line for employees’ training (digital and IT&C skills development) from large companies(with over 250 employees, and a turnover of more than 50 million euro)
- The projects’ maximum value is 500.000 euro with a grant of 250.000 euro (50%);
- Only large companies active in priority sectors, such as: IT&C, creative industries, automotive, health, pharma, energy, tourism can apply;
- A minimum of 75 outside Bucharest-Ilfov region working employees must attend projects’ activities;
- A project’s timeline is of maximum 18 months;
- Total allocation: 10 million euro;
- For more information, click here.
Financing line for SME’s employees training (digital and IT&C skills development)
- The projects’ maximum value is 1.000.000 euro, of which 85% to 100% non-refundable grant;
- Only business associations, chambers of commerce and employers’ organizations can apply, in partnership with other relevant entities (for example: trade unions and / or training providers);
- Only employees from SMEs that carry out their activity in priority sectors’ trainings are funded;
- A minimum of 250 outside Bucharest-Ilfov region working employees must attend the training;
- A project’s timeline is of maximum 18 months;
- Total allocation: 20 million euro, of which 1 million for ITI Danube Delta;
- For more information, click here.