Financing of internship stages for students – 2015
May 5, 2015
The Ministry of European Funds – AM HRD launches in May 2015 the request for proposals KAI 2.1 – CPP 189 “Internships for students”.
The main objective of this KAI is developing work skills for students and facilitate transition from school to active life.
Eligible applicants:
- Higher educational institutions of the national education system
- Employers (public or private)
- Professional associations
- Chambers of Commerce and Industry
- Trade unions and employers’ organizations
- NGOs
- Ministry of Education and Scientific Research and structures / agencies / relevant bodies, subordinated / coordinated by it
- Public and private vocational guidance and counseling service providers
- Government General Secretariat
Target group: at least 150 students enrolled in the national education system (bachelor and master)
Project value: 50,000 – 500,000 euro
Project duration: 4-6 months
Financing rate: up to 98% of the eligible value of the project
For more information, please visit : http://www.fonduri-ue.ro/posdru/images/doc2015/cpp189.pdf
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