Financing for internship projects in companies!
November 7, 2016
Until 9 December 2016 projects under the call: “Traineeship and internship for students from agri-food field, industry and services” (OS 6.13, OS 6.14) within POCU 2014-2020 can be submitted!
Project value: minimum 75.000 euro, maximum 500.000 euro.
Implementation period: 9 – 24 months.
Eligible applicants and partners: (Projects can be submitted ONLY in partnership):
- Accredited private and public universities;
- Employers (as traineeship/internship partners);
- NGOs;
- Professional Associations;
- Chambers of commerce and industry; Public and private professional counselling and guiding services providers; Ministry of Education and subordinated/coordinated: institutions/ agencies/ organizations; – only for projects regarding the industry and services areas;
- County School Inspectorates – only for projects regarding the agriculture, food industry, forest and agro-tourism areas;
Target group:
- Pupils from secondary schools, high-schools;
- Students;
- Development and implementation of learning programs at work, traineeship, internship;
- Providing professional counselling services;
- Development of partnerships between educational institutions and traineeship/internship partners, organizing professional competitions etc.
Activities eligible only for projects regarding industry and services areas:
- Development of a coordinated information system;
- Organization of professional competitions;
- Piloting innovative solutions to facilitate the internship;
- Organizing internships in EU Member States;
For more information click here.