Extended call – innovative projects for private companies (POC)!
March 20, 2018
The Ministry of European Funds has extended the deadline for submission of project proposals for the call: “Innovative Technological Project” (POC 1.2.1), addressed to private companies, until 16.05.2018, 23:59 hour.
We remind you that this action aims to fund projects that develop new or substantially improved products and/or processes or technologies, developed through research activities for the purpose of production and commercialization. The call has a total allocation of 286 million lei (about 64 million euro).
Eligible applicants:
- large enterprises and SMEs, with R&D activity, but R&D not as main activity.
- The R&D component can be implemented individually by the applicant only or in a partnership with one or two research organizations.
Value of grant: up to 22.500.000 lei (aprox 5 mil euro);
Financing percentage:
- For companies, variable percentage, between 10%-80% (depends on the type of activities included in the project, the size of the applicant and location if investment).
- The activities performed by the research institutions are financed with up to 100%of the eligible costs.
Types of eligible activities:
- industrial research;
- experimental development;
- preparatory feasibility studies for R&D activities;
- innovation activities for obtaining, validating and protecting patents, and other intangible assets;
- other innovative activities: high skilled personnel detachment, acquisition of innovation consultancy services, acquisition of innovation support services;
- initial investments for innovation for introducing in production of R&D results.
For more information please click here.