Come meet the Dutch – Orange Night 30 April!
April 25, 2013
Dear partners and friends, On 30 April NRCC together with the Dutch Association Nederland.ro, will organize a typical Orange Night, with an exquisite dinner and a great party at Biavati,Bucharest, Str. Sergei Rahmaninov No. 2B. We invite all who are interested in meeting, doing business or simply enjoying a wonderful evening with the Dutch community in Romania. There are 2 kinds of tickets that you can purchase: “Party only” tickets for 160 Lei and Dinner and party tickets for 350 Lei The tickets can be bought at:
- Hotel Rembrandt (next door to Café Van Gogh) Str. Smardan no. 11; Tel: 021 313 93 15
- MaastrichtSchoolof Management Str. Putul lui Zamfir no. 36, et. 3; Tel: 021 310 12 48
- Dutch cheese stalls at all METRO Cash & Carry shops (Bucharest)
- AmericanSchoolandBritishSchoolin Baneasa Ask Cristina Voicu at 0726 925 953
We thank everyone who has confirmed attendance at the Orange Night and remind those who have not yet, and are interested to attend this special event that today is the last day for buying Dinner tickets human sphere. For corporate sales and invoices, please contact us at orangenight@netherlands.ro Full details about the event, including the programme, can be found on the link below: http://www.nrcc.ro/index.php?option=com_civicrm&task=civicrm/event/info&Itemid=244&reset=1&id=8