How can you develop a business strategy using European funds

November 12th, 2015

In an online article on Wall Street , Irina Zugravu ( Managing Partner VAPRO Romania ) shows how to develop a business strategy using European funds .

Our colleague speaks about eligibility requirements that a company must meet in order to access funds from the European Union , and which are the needs of companies that can be covered by grants .

For those interested also about the possibilities for financing SMEs and the utility of a business plan and a marketing strategy. And, not least, what are the steps in order to obtain a grant for consultancy services and which are the benefits of it, can access the article here.

What will happen with the grants for SMEs

November 12th, 2015

Irina Zugravu,  Managing Partner VAPRO Romania has a brief intervention on the minimis projects situation.

For more information about: the problems the beneficiaries encounter at the projects submission, the necessity of revision of  the informatics system for the online submission procedure within the minimis aid scheme and other mismatches, and the solution offered by our colleague, please visit the news on HotNews website here.

European funds for agri-turism unit

October 27th, 2015

Our colleague, Florentina, explains to you how you can get non-reimbursable EU funds for agri-turism units through PNDR, what an agri-turism unit means, which are the conditions that you must meet and what are the steps needed to be made while developing such a project, in an article published today on Wall Street.

European funds for agri-turism units are available through the National Rural Development Programme, submeasure 6.4 “Support for investments in creating and developing non-agricultural activities”, launched on 14th of July this year.
Grant awarded: up to 200.000 euro
Financing rate90% of eligible expenses

The applicant must fall into the category of micro or small enterprise, to conduct a business related to investments in rural areas, with registered office and registered places of business in rural areas and to be able to assure the co-financing of the investment.

For more information please visit the article published on the Wall Street:

Practical advice for companies who want to implement projects with European funds

October 27th, 2015

In the electronic newspaper, Lelia Lascu, VAPRO Romania Senior Consultant, presented the main points to be considered during the implementation process of projects financed within non reimbursable funds.

In the last year, most articles focusing on European funds have addressed issues related to the accessing funds and how companies can successfully develop projects that can be approved by the authorities. As a supplement to those, this article is an analysis of what happens after the moment when a company must start implementing an already approved project.

For more information please visit the article published on the Wall Street: Access the article

European funds for the processing of agricultural products

October 27th, 2015

In an article published in the October edition of the Brutarul magazine, our colleague Florentina Nae presents how you can obtain financing for a unit of processing agricultural products through NRDP (PNDR), which are the eligible companies, what are the conditions that need to be accomplished to get a higher score for such projects and more.

European funds for the processing of agricultural products are available through the National Rural Development Programme, sub-measure 4.2 “Support for investments in the processing / marketing of agricultural products”, launched by AFIR on 8th July this year.

Grant amount: up to 2,500,000 euro.
Percentage of financing: up to 50%.

The applicant must fall under the enterprises category (micro, small and medium enterprises under Law 346/2004, as well as large enterprises) and cooperatives / producer groups and has to ensure the co-financing of the investment. The proposed project must process the raw material that is part of Annex I of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union and the product obtained has to be also a product included in Annex I.

The projects can be submitted until 30th October 2015 and the evaluation of the projects will be done monthly for projects that have an estimated score (self-evaluation / pre-scoring) greater than or equal to the quality monthly threshold required by AFIR.

For more information please read the article here.

Finantarile nerambursabile pentru companii nu trebuie ratate

August 19th, 2014

Intr-un articol in revista online Wall-Street, colega noastra Lelia Lascu (Senior Consultant Grants & Project Development, cu o experienta de peste 17 ani in domeniul accesarii de fonduri europene) prezinta intr-un scurt articol care sunt motivele pentru care companiile nu ar trebui sa rateze fondurile nerambursabile din alocarea 2014-2020.

Mai mult de atat, va sunt prezentate problemele cel mai des intalnite in accesarea fondurilor: abordare nerealista a proiectelor, cash-flow, estimari prea optimiste, buget, etc. Dar cu  toate acestea, va ofera si modalitati de eliminare a problemelor inca din faza scrierii aplicatiei,  mesajul nostru catre companiile interesate in realizarea unor investitii ramanand unul pozitiv, de incurajare a accesarii finantarilor nerambursabile.

Pentru mai multe informatii accesati articolul aici.

Ce sa va intampla cu ajutoarele nerambursabile pentru IMM-uri

August 29th, 2013

Irina Zugravu, Managing Partner VAPRO Romania are o scurta interventie cu privire la situatia proiectelor minimis.

Pentru mai multe informatii despre: problemele care le intampina beneficiarii la depunerea de proiecte, necesitatea revizuirii sistemului informatic pentru procedura de depunere on-line din cadrul schemei de minimis si alte necorelari, cat si solutia oferita de colega noastra, va rugam accesati stirea de pe site-ul HotNews  aici.

Cum poti dezvolta o strategie de business cu ajutorul fondurilor europene

October 22nd, 2012

Intr-un articol online pe Wall-Street, Irina Zugravu (Managing Partner VAPRO Romania) prezinta cum poti dezvolta o strategie de business cu ajutorul fondurilor europene. 

Colega noastra va vorbeste, despre conditiile de eligibilitate pe care o companie trebuie sa le indeplineasca pentru a putea accesa fonduri din partea Uniunii Europene, cat si care sunt nevoile companiilor ce pot fi acoperite de fondurile nerambursabile.

Pentru cei interesati, punctual, si despre posibilitatile de finantare dedicate IMM-urilor si utilitatea unui business plan si a unei strategii de marketing. Si, nu in ultimul rand,  care sunt pasii pentru obtinerea unei finantari nerambursabile pentru consultanta si care sunt beneficiile acesteia, pot accesa articolul aici.


Cum poti dezvolta o strategie de business cu ajutorul fondurilor europene