3 years in Romania!
June 4, 2010
We are celebrating 3 years since we have established our Romanian office and we would like to thank all clients and partners that have been together with us during this time.
Also, as an anniversay offer, we are launching a transparent information and awareness campaign regarding the benefits of European funds, and the things that have not been said to often until now.
Do you want to understand what an EU financed project means?
Do you want to learn from our experience – over 300 projects national and international wide?
Do you have questions regarding projects and EU funding and you have never received an answer until now?
Ask us!!!
Our expertise in Romania, but also internationally, recommends us not only as a consultant with an extremely high success rate regarding projects submitted, but also as a real partner for beneficiaries and authorities involved, a dedicated partner, serious and moreover capable to provide useful reccomendations and real solutions to specific aspects.
Our results since 2008 and until now regarding ESF (SOPHRD) are, in short terms:
- 97 projects developed and submitted with a value over 50.300.000 euro
- 41 projects evaluated and approved, with a value over 21.000.000 euro
- 39 projects still under evaluation
We are proud to present to you our new website, which we would like to become an important support for those who wish to find out the latest news in the EU funds domain, but also information on how we can help you in winning such funds for your company.
Also, for our 3 years anniversary in Romania, we have inaugurated a new office for VAPRO Romania, where we invite all of our clients as well as all of you who would like to collaborate with us in the future.
We cannot end before we draw a signal regarding the actual status of the absorbtion of EU funds in Romania, that is below 10% at this time. This can lead to the un-desired situation that at December 31st 2010, according to the n+3” rule, Romania will have to return the money it has not used to the European Union.
According to the most recent analysis published on the ACIS website, at April 30th 2010, the reimbursements towards the beneficiaries are worth 22.303.647 euro (90.809.301 lei). So, the absorbtion rate reported to the public funds allocated for 2007 (250.543.753 euro) is 8.90% and compared to the public financing opened for 2007-2010 (1.534.129.960 euro) is is only 1.45%.
We consider that our main advantage in Romania is precisely „understanding the market”, reason for which our involvement in any EU project brings a real added value, which has its roots in the preciseness of the absorption mecanisms of EU funds.
Learn more on our new website : www.vapro.ro
For any details or further information we remain at your disposal:
Irina Zugravu
Mob. +40 730 103 118
E-mail. i.zugravu@vapro.ro