Non-reimbursable financing for reducing energy consumption
February 23, 2018
The Ministry of European Funds, will launch on 05.03.2018 a call for projects for “Reducing the energy consumption of industrial consumers” – 6.2 Specific Objective within the Operational Programme Large Infrastructure 2014-2020, which will be opened until 31.12.2018.
Total call allocation: 7.884.197 euro
Eligible value of the project:
- Up to 200.000 euro;
Non-reimbursable financing:
- 100% non-reimbursable;
Project implementation period:
- 18 months
Eligible beneficiaries:
- Industry companies with consumption of more than 1,000 toe/year, performing activities related to the: Extractive industry and Manufacturing industry sectors.
Projects implemented in the Bucharest – Ilfov development region are not eligible.
Eligible expenditure:
- Acquisition of the monitoring system of energy consumption at the level of industrial platform (monitoring systems, RTU-remote terminal units, communication system, master stations etc.); land acquisition/development; utilities; design; constructions etc.
- Project preparation (studies, permits, authorizations etc.);
- Project management, Audit;
- Information and publicity.
For more information you can consult a summary of the guideline here.