10.000 euro for SMEs for acquisition of Research and Development services
January 24, 2017
Starting with yesterday, 23rd of January 2017, SMEs can access funds of up to 50.000 lei for Research and Development Services, through National Plan of Research, Development and Innovation, 2014 -2020 (NPRDI III).
Eligible applicants:
- SMEs (up to 250 employees and up to 50 million euro turnover), with employees, at least 1 year of activity, and a turnover at least equal to the grant requested,
Eligible regions: all regions
Eligible domains:
- Innovation checks are released for the smart specialization domains: bio economy, IT&C, space and security, energy, environment and climate change, eco-nano-technologies and advanced materials) and public priority domains (health and national patrimony).
The research services providers are authorized research institutions such as:
- Research and development centers;
- Public universities authorized as research centers;
- International research centers;
- Other types of research institutions in compliance with the national legislation
Maximum value of an innovation check: 50.000 lei
Financing percentage: 90%, 10% represents the beneficiary’s contribution to the project
Submission: continuous, up to the total allocated budget