Bani pentru sanatate si securitate la locul de munca
noiembrie 16, 2009
Compania d-voastra are oportunitatea de a depune un proiect pentru finantarea activitatilor de asigurare a sanatatii si securitatii la locul de munca. Data limita pentru depunerea proiectelor: 31 martie 2010.
Text disponibil doar in limba engleza
The scheme for TRAINING: “Money for the health and safety on the job”
Financing line openned: No.78 „ Money for health and safety of the employees”, Key area of intervention 3.2
Who can apply?
Any company legally registered in Romania, with a “healthy” financial situation, except for companies in primary agricultural production, fishery and mining industry
Eligible activities:
• Ensuring the health and safety on the job (H&S plans, analysis, programs, regulations etc) • Preventing professional diseases (training programs, internal sessions etc) • Informing and guiding the workers in the area of health and safety on the job (informational materials, campaigns etc) • Ensuring the organizational framework and the necessary means for ensuring the health and safety on the work place (procedures, regulations, investing in materials, consumables etc)
Eligible Target Group: Employees and managers of the applicant
Project value
– Maximum 200.000 Euros, equivalent in RON. – Maximum 100.000 Euros for companies in the transport sector
Financial Aid– 100% non-reimbursable.
Project length: Between 6 and 24 months
Deadline for applications: March 31st 2010
Selection criteria: First come, first served!